Mercedes-Benz of Portland
Service Appointment FAQ

What to expect when scheduling an appointment at Mercedes-Benz of Portland

At Mercedes-Benz of Portland, we thank you for choosing us to service your vehicle. We value your time and understand that you want to get back in your vehicle as soon as possible.

Setting and managing customer expectations is of the upmost importance to successful relationship with our clients. This is why we are upfront with our clients and provide you with the best information so you know what to expect before coming in.


All appointments are scheduled according to staffing levels and according to the number of vehicles we have in the shop. Due to the current climate in the U.S., all businesses are facing staffing shortages, parts shortages, parts delays etc. This will affect the appointment schedule. Please note that the soonest appointment date provided by the scheduler, is our soonest availability. We appreciate your understanding during these unprecedented times.


Just like going to the Doctor or Dentist, your appointment time is scheduled to consult with a specialist. The appointment time is a scheduled block of time that is set aside for you to speak with your Service Advisor and review your appointment details.

During this time, your Service Advisor will review your appointment, gather any necessary diagnosis information, notify you of any manufacturer recommendations and let you know if there are any campaigns or recalls present on your vehicle.

This time is very important for our team to establish a relationship, listen to your concerns and provide you with the best information to plan your day. You should expect to spend 10-15 minutes with your advisor during drop off.

Each appointment time is spaced 30 minutes apart to ensure each one of our clients is handled with care and attention.

We ask that all clients arrive on time or as close to their scheduled appointment time as possible. Early or late appointment arrivals can disrupt the appointment schedule.

Early for your appointment? No problem! Just keep in mind that your advisor is working hard to take care of the clients scheduled ahead of your appointment. You may have to wait until your scheduled appointment time before we are able to check you in. A team member will let you know what to expect during your arrival.

Late for your appointment? No problem! Your advisor may be working on many different tasks when you arrive. You may have to wait until a team member is available to check you in. A team member will let you know what to expect during your arrival.

Feel free to wait in our customer lounge until a team member is available to check you in. We have drinks, snacks, magazines, TV and free WIFI available in our customer lounge.


Service Appointment Definitions:

Drop Off Appointment

This means you will be dropping the vehicle off with no transportation needed. You are not waiting in the area for the vehicle to be finished in a short window. Your service advisor will go over your appointment details and establish a pick-up time with you during drop off.


Shuttle Appointment

This means you are requesting to be driven within a 10-mile radius of the dealership by our in-house shuttle staff. You are not waiting in the area for the vehicle to be finished in a short window. Your advisor will go over your appointment details and establish a finish time with you during drop off. For our shuttle policy please visit:

Loaner Appointment/Pick-up and Delivery

Loaner/pick-up and delivery appointments are scheduled subject to loaner availability. Loaner appointments are set for repairs that take 3 hours or more. Loaners are provided for client convenience, allowing you to go about your day without having to worry about not having a vehicle to drive. This also allows the service team to process your vehicle through each step with care. You should not expect the vehicle to be done in a short window unless communicated by your advisor. Your advisor will consult you during drop and plan a pick-up or drop off time with you. For further information on our loaner policy:

Waiter Appointment

This means you are waiting at the dealership or close by. Waiter appointments are typically set for basic maintenance services such as Oil Changes, light bulb replacements, single tire replacements etc.

We do not recommend scheduling a waiter appointment for repairs such as check engine lights, noise complaints, electrical diagnosis, water leaks or any repair that takes 3 hours or more.



We understand that emergencies can happen. We are here to help. Our team will do our very best to get your vehicle into the shop as soon as possible. Please understand that we have client vehicles scheduled in advance and are obligated to process the vehicles in order of arrival. Our scheduling team will inform you of when you can expect the vehicle to be processed in the shop.



Mercedes-Benz of Portland 45.511462, -122.676529.